James Ready 50% Awesomer Coasters

Point-of-Purchase/In-Store Ad or Promotion - Series


Leo Burnett, Toronto
e: jesse.brook@leoburnett.ca
w: leoburnett.ca

Chief Creative Officer: Judy John Creative Director: Judy John, Lisa Greenberg Group Creative Director: Anthony Chelvanathan, Steve Persico Copywriting: Steve Persico Art Direction: Anthony Chelvanathan Illustration: Chris Duchaine, Cheryl Geonanga Agency Producer: Kim Burchiel Group Account Director: Natasha Dagenais Account Executive: Rebecca Simon Ad Agency: Leo Burnett, Toronto Client: James Ready

James Ready is the beer of the people. Always trying to give drinkers more for their money. In 2012, J.R. started selling beer in bars versus just The Beer Store. The only way our small brand could get noticed in the overly beer branded bar environment was through our beer coasters. So we invented coasters with 50% more. Different coaster designs that gave drinkers more awesome in the form of entertainment, games, information and conversation.
