Screme Eggs - They’re Here / Cornered / Last Stand

Craft-Animation - Series


The Hive
t: 416-923-3800

Ad Agency: The Hive Chief Creative Officer: Simon Creet Associate Creative Direction: Paul Parolin, Jess Willis Art Direction: Paul Parolin Writer: Jess Willis Producer: Jennifer Cursio Director: Saimon Chow Production Company: Blacklist Audio House: Apollo Account Director: Michelle Prowse, Daniel Langer-Hack Account Executive: Lauren Zigelstein Client: Mondelez Canada Inc., John Slaughter

The battle between good and evil is as old as God himself. Or dinosaurs even. Wait. Did God come before dinosaurs? Or vice versa? In any event, to launch Cadbury Screme Eggs, a war was waged between these green goo-filled monsters and their sweet Easter counterparts. In three stop-motion shorts, reminiscent of campy b-horror movies and cultish zombie flicks and TV shows, the Goopocalypse unfolded, warning consumers to ‘get them while you last’.
