État de choc

Small Community Entire Design Program


Charles Daoud
t: 514-830-5471
e: charles@charlesdaoud.com
w: charlesdaoud.com

Winner: Charles Daoud Creative Director: Charles Daoud Art Director: Charles Daoud Brand Strategy: Folk Copywriter: Hughes Chandonnet Graphic Designer: Charles Daoud Interior Designer: Patricia Côté

Premium chocolate tasting is an adventure in a world of its own. Hence, we elevated this boutique to the rank of country. État de choc has its official logo, flag, seal, motto, coat of arms and national animal — all acting as identifiers for the brand. This rich visual platform helps establish it as a top player in a saturated industry — democratizing excellence and celebrating originality. The brand is built around elegance and creativity, from its tasty “lingots” to its eye-catching packaging.
