Reskinning Queen Street West

Poster - Series


Zulu Alpha Kilo
t: 416-777-9858

Winner: Zulu Alpha Kilo Client: Client: Consonant Skincare Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh Creative Director: Gary Watson Design Director: Ryan Booth Art Director: Kevin Sato, Manali Kulkarni Writer: Monika Leck, Dylan Verwey, Ian Dunlop Designer: Jack Curtis Account Team : Skye Gandy Account Team: Lisa Sousa Art Director: Kyle Winsor Account Team : Nadine Arsenault Client: Jynessa Marczuk, Kristina Breckon, William Baker Studio Artist: Greg Heptinstall, Ashleigh O’Brien Agency Print Producer: Teresa Bayley Video Production: Molly Calkins, Kevin Corvetti : Rock-it Promotions PR Team: Myriam Tardif, Kelly MacDonald Photographer: Shereen Mroueh : Seamliss Graphics & Marketing Print Production: Steve Cowan

With 100% natural ingredients, Consonant is a skincare company doing things differently. With a new flagship location opening on Toronto’s Queen Street West, we needed to earn the attention of shoppers in one of Canada’s most vibrant retail environments. So, we looked for inspiration outside the skincare category and found it on the streets. Dry, damaged and cracked, we used the street’s textures to frame up the skincare needs Consonant’s products are designed to treat.
