quattro Experience



Zulu Alpha Kilo
e: awards@zulualphakilo.com

Ad Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo Executive Creative Direction: Zak Mroueh Creative Direction: Shane Ogilvie Copywriting: Jon Webber Art Direction: Simon Ault Agency Producer: David Isaac Account Team: Adam Lang, Barrett Holman, Christina Polyzos Digital Production House: Thinkingbox Production Company: Industry Films Director: Tamir Moscovici Editor: Paul Proulx Media Agency: Mediacom Track Fabrication: Slot Mods Event Company: Vision Co. Cinematographer: Anthony Arendt, Vinit Borrison Post Production Company: Married To Giants And Alter Ego Colourist: Wade Odlum Audio House: Pirate Audio Car Model Fabrication: Uplis Ltd Client: Audi Canada Inc., Jennifer Dobbs, Alanna David

The Audi quattro Experience, a one-of-a-kind interactive installation putting drivers directly behind the wheel of custom fabricated 1:32 scale all wheel drive slot cars – and reinventing the test drive in the process. Using the world’s first iPad enabled slot car controller, visitors took their A4 for a wild test-drive through hairpin turns, long highway straightaways and icy mountain passes – terrain that would get the better of lesser vehicles.
