Ultimate Racetrack

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w: cundari.com

Company: Cundari Creative Direction: Andrew Simon, Mike Dietrich Art Direction: Sarah Adlam, Mike Dietrich Account Director: Adam Lang Account Supervisor: Anna Halfpenny Account Executive: Amanda Sanguigni Agency Producer: Melanie Lambertsen Production Company: The Embassy VFX Executive Producer: Winston Helgason, Trevor Cawood Director: Ozan Biron Line Producer: Danielle Kinsey Audio House: Source Sound Sound Design: Charles Deenen

Winning Website: youtu.be/AFtUpMTs4vI

To demonstrate the agility, power and overall awesomeness of the new M4, we showed it doing the seemingly impossible - racing along an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean. Most cars arrive by cargo ship. The M4 comes by racetrack.
