

Motion - Single


Ivetta Urozhaeva, Ivetta Urozhaeva, Felix Mann, Elias Spitzhorn, Jona Salcher, Daniil Tyves, Dominik Boros, Simon Bogocz, Ben Ulrich, Jannik Leipersperger, Munich
e: e.spitzhorn@wenndann-film.de
w: wenndann-film.de

Program: Feature Film
School: University of Television and Film Munich

Director: Ivetta Urozhaeva Producer: Felix Mann, Elias Spitzhorn DOP: Jona Salcher 1st AD: Daniil Tyves 1st AC: Dominik Boros Producer: Simon Bogocz, Ben Ulrich Production Manager: Jannik Leipersperger

Winning Entry: vimeo.com/922102801/3b3ee3c2e2?share=copy

Boubacar Tangara, a refugee from Mali, arrives in Germany without knowing the language and uses football to unite a refugee centre despite ethnic tensions. By prioritizing communication, they become a family, achieve an 80%-win rate, and advance in the league. Unfortunately, Boubacar loses an important player and also a friend due to deportation, but finds the strength to continue playing together with the remaining team and uniting people.
