CoMotion 2024: The Nature System
Motion - Single
Kyle Switzer, Tiffany Tedy, Isabelle K Winarto, Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon, Sophia D'Alleva, Seth Marques, Jiaru Yang, Lauren Neu, Linxuan Wang, Sean Shelton, Tzu Lin, Valentina Duque, Xinyue Gu, Davis Hardy, J.C. Petrofsky, Phirada Kanjanangkulpunt, QiQi, Reem Hinedi, Aatreyi Singh, Alessia Piccoliori, Charlotte Beck, Claire Lin, Emily Strycharz, Gauthier Bossuyt, Xinxun Liao, Phyllis Zhao, Haze Nguyen, Danna Macias, Cynthia Soe, Chaoran Xu, Sarah Wellman, Bri Shufford, Amadeus Cameron, Chi Quach, , Savannah, GA
t: 541-610-5977
e: kyleswitzer1@gmail.com muskaan_sethi@outlook.com
w: kyleswitzer.tv muskaansethi.com
Program: Motion Media Design
School: Savannah College of Art and Design
Winning Entry: vimeo.com/kyleswitzer/comotion2024
When looking at nature, we often reduce beauty to its exterior, fixating on colourful landscapes and scenery. However, beneath this world of colour lies an equally beautiful design system. Nature is the greatest engineer, architect and designer. From the beginning to the creation of life, the strands that make up the web of life are interwoven with a design system—the nature system.