The Warden Sixteen
Weblog/Social Networking
Trees & Rocks
t: 604-669-4444
Agency Producer: Jen Mete Art Direction: Jeff Cheung Creative Direction: Paul Little Design: Jerome Leclere Director: LEWIS Production House Producer: Geoff Cornish, Michi Lepik Stahl, Todd Huskisson Copywriting: Addie Gillespie Programming: Heung Lee Production Company: Suneeva Ad Agency: Station X
For the Vancouver International Film Festival, we created a short film and divided it into sixteen scenes – one new scene for each day of the festival. We released the scenes non-linearly, and only gave people the URL: as a tool to figure out what they were watching. Online, people could watch the scenes a day after their festival release, move around the scenes and comment to try and figure out the story.