Own it: A Campaign for Young Women's Sexual Health
Design - Series
Claire Balderston, Belle Wuthrich
t: Claire: 778-994-4781 Bell
e: clairebalderston@gmail.com wuthrich.b@gmail.com
w: clairebalderston.com bellewuthrich.com
Student: Claire Balderston, Belle Wuthrich Instructor: Casey Hrynkow School: Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Own It! is a multi-faceted campaign concerning the empowerment of teenage girls. The campaign includes Gleam, a magazine that provides girls with answers to all their toughest questions, pamphlets for parents and teen girls and a poster series -- All with the goal of raising consciousness of the campaign and reminding girls to Own It!Photography throughout the magazine is by Anna Gregg (AnnaKayPhoto.com), with photoshop manipulation by Belle Wuthrich and Claire Balderston.