
Pica Magazine 14p0 — Caprice | Whim

Editorial Design Entire Book/Magazine - Single


Louis-Philippe Bélanger, Mathilde Bonin-Leblanc, Ève Laguë, Tamara Manny-D'Astous, Tamara Martel, Montreal, QC
e: info@picamag.com
w: picamag.com/14p0-caprice

Program: Graphic Design
School: Université du Québec à Montréal

Winning Entry: vimeo.com/771734904

The 14th edition of Pica Magazine explores Caprice (Whim) in all its forms. Under the theme of fantasy and non-conformism, over 75 submissions were received. With the aim of bringing whimsy to both its content and its container, Pica Magazine's usual format has been reworked, setting it apart from its predecessors. The magazine launch was attended by over 250 people on April 27, 2023 at Livart in Montreal.
