Taco Bell Fiery DLT

Complete Calendar Photography - Complete


Grip Limited

Grip Limited Design: Olivia Harrison Photography: Matt Barnes Associate Creative Director: Ben Weinberg Social Content Strategist: Matthew Stasoff Producer: Liz Crofton Photography Studio: Westside Studio Associate Creative Director: Patrick Andrews Photography Producer: Natalie D’Urbano Print Producer: Kendra Plantt Social Content Strategist: Jacquie Kostuk

Continuing a focus on fan integration, Taco Bell Canada launched the Fiery DLT by bringing dedicated fans and influencers together for a unique brand experience, featuring them in a limited edition printed firefighter calendar. The calendar, shot by Toronto-based photographer Matt Barnes, also featured a digital micro-site, with exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and interviews. Additionally those interested in the shoot were directed to Snapchat on the day of to view exclusive content.
