Red Bull Music Academy Montreal 2016 - Gifs and videos

Craft Motion/Animation - Series


Studio Baillat
t: 514-889-1853

Studio Baillat Art Director: Jean-Sebastien Baillat Graphic Designer: Louis Dollé Project Manager: Veronique Lagassé Motion Graphics Artist: Andreanne Dumont Project Manager: Marie-Eve Methot Graphic Designer: Maxime Soucy, Maxime Brunelle Motion Graphics Artist: Patrick Trudeau Illustrator: Aaron Kaufman Photographer: Nik Mirus Motion Graphics Artist: Vincent Raineri Stylist: Camille Boyer Illustrator: Pony, Stephane Poirier, Kate Puxley Photographer: Simon Duhamel, LM Chabot, Aki Sukita, Alexandre Isard

24 Gifs and 2 videos were created with RBMA Montreal 2016 campaign visuals to introduce the event and promote each shows. With the GIFS, every show visual was animated for the web campaign. It brought an additional layer of life to the whole thing. The video provided a trippy animation using the stroboscopic effect. The play with the two fonts is at its peak creating some funky visual effect.
