WWF Real Scary - Masks

Poster - Series


Sid Lee

Jeffrey Da Silva, Tom Koukodimos Creative Director: Kelsey Horne, Alexis Bronstorph Associate Creative Director: Ryan Lawrence Art Director: Pete Sherrah Copywriter: Laura Tribble Designer: Alex Boland Production Company: Sid Lee Studio Producer: Kelsey-Lynn Corradetti Photographer: Zach Hertzman Production Company: Tendril Post-Production: FlixFx Audio House: Berkeley Inc

To raise awareness for WWF, we developed Halloween monster masks inspired by environmental disasters. Each mask reflected the environmental issue it focused on, from a drowning sludge-coated stork representing Oil, to the dead and wilted wildflowers of the Pesticide mask. The posters were our opportunity to promote each mask and encourage action through both Social shares of the terrifying imagery, as well as donations.
