
Moth Posters

Poster or Art Prints Printing - Single


Metropolitan Fine Printers Inc.
t: 604-254-4201
e: george@metprinters.com
w: metprinters.com

Printing: Metropolitan Fine Printers Creative Direction: Mary Tiong Design: CREO Photography: Prof. Joseph Scheer Client: CREO

Set of 4 Kinds SIZE: 12 X 38 STOCK: 100lb Topkote Gloss Text INKS: Litho’d 4 color process, spot gloss varnish and spot dull varnish one side FINISHING: Trim 4 sides Printed on 10 micron staccato, imaged on Trendsetter 3244 using Prinergy workflow, scanning on Creo Eversmart Scanner Printed on M.A.N. Roland 700 8 color press utilizing PECOM (CiPS) Interface Note: Moths were placed directly on scanning bed for first generation quality
