James Ready - Ready Girls

TV - 30 sec. or less - Single


Leo Burnett Canada

Creative Direction: Sean Barlow, Paul Giannetta, Judy John Art Direction: Anthony Chelvanathan, Paul Giannetta Copywriting: Sean Barlow, Steve Persico Agency Producer: Jacqueline Bellmore Broadcast Directors: Sean Barlow, Anthony Chelvanathan Broadcast Producer: Patrick Fay Broadcast Directors: Paul Giannetta, Steve Persico Cinematography: Hamin Lee, Craig Small Illustration: Brandon Lynch, Caio Oyafuso Editor: Aaron Dark Post Production House: The Juggernaut Music/Sound: Boombox Sound Casting Agency: Fade To Black Art Buyer: Leila Courey Client: Moosehead Breweries Ad Agency: Leo Burnett Canada

“Help keep this premium beer a buck.”||You can help the cause by donating items for the “In Case Promo”, volunteering potential ‘Ready Beer Girls’, and buying a case to receive a “Free Invisible t-shirt.”
