2016 Student Award Winners Announced
July 7, 2016

From last year's competition: Meaghan Chapin, George Brown College, Advertising - Single, 2015
We're pleased to present the list of 2016 Student Awards winners below.
Thanks to our team of judges who got through all the entries in the last month! They evaluated each entry independently and scored based on creative merit, technical excellence and suitability for end use. Once again we saw entries from around the world.
This was the first year we introduced a limited number of high school categories — congratulations to our first 10 high school student winners! You are well on your way to creative excellence!
All Student Award winners receive:
- Their work published in the November/December 2016 Student Awards annual
- Their work published online in November in our Winners' Gallery and in our Awards Archive
- A complimentary copy of the November issue
- Digital tear sheets of their published work
- A personalized award certificate signed by the founder of Applied Arts, noted graphic designer Georges Haroutiun
- Their work displayed at the Creative Futures Expo, November 8-9 at the Toronto Centre for the Arts, where more than 1,500 aspiring creative artists, high school students and their teachers will visit
To get the print magazine in time for the November/December issue, visit our Subscribe page.
A big thanks goes out to our award sponsors, Miami Ad School, Vistek and 4Over, our print and paper partners Mi5 Print & Digital and Veritiv, and our association partners GDC and RGD for their help in producing our upcoming Student Awards section.
Congratulations to all of the winners and check back in November for the Winners Gallery and the printed issue!
NOTE: Winner notification emails will be sent later today. If you receive an email and your name is not on the below list, email awards [at] appliedartsmag.com. Often the instructor that submitted on behalf of the student is pulled into the winners' list based on how the credits were submitted. We can adjust the winners' list below as necessary.
Abigail Goh, Savannah College of Art and Design
Ainara Sainz, Gutierrez Vancouver Film School
Alejo Porras, Savannah College of Art and Design
Alessandra Pellegrino, York University/ Sheridan College
Alexandre Couture, CFP Lachine
Allison Conway, Savannah College of Art and Design
Amanda Keffer, The Creative Circus
Amanda Chan, Alberta College of Art and Design
Andres Alejandro Porras de los Raos, Savannah College of Art and Design
Andrew Argue, Alberta College of Art and Design
Andrew Hurwitz, Miami Ad School
Andy Zhang, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Angus Gore, Savannah College of Art and Design
Anita Chanthavong, Algonquin College
Anna Dittmann, Savannah College of Art and Design
Annabelle Soucy, Dawson College
Anne Misak, Algonquin College
Annie Wu Goldsmiths, University of London
Ashley Visvanathan, Capilano University
Ashley Tamber, Savannah College of Art and Design
Augusto Zambonato, Savannah College of Art and Design
Avery Kua, OCAD University
Bailie Rosenlund, Sheridan College
Beena Mistry, Sheridan College
Ben Marley, Algonquin College
Ben Gough, Alberta College of Art & Design
Ben Coleman, Sheridan College
Brittany Cardinal, University of the Fraser Valley
Brittany Kerslake, Humber College, School of Media Studies
Bryan Satalino, Tyler School of Art
Bryce Duyvewaardt, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Caleb Vandervalk, Niagara College Canada
Camilla Dinardo, York University and Sheridan College
Carl Christian Madrid, Algonquin College
Carlos Kiss, Humber College
Carter Pryor, York University & Sheridan College
Cédric Gagnon, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)
Celeste Joyce, Tyler School of Art
Chanya Hughes, Alberta College of Art + Design
Chelle Lorenzen, Algonquin College
Chi-Han Cheng, Academy of Art University
Ching Wei Liu, Asia University
Chivaun Fitzpatrick, Savannah College of Art and Design
Christian Roy, Savannah College of Art and Design
Christine Wilson, Savannah College of Art and Design
Crystal Woo, Capilano University
Dane Cozens, Savannah College of Art and Design
Dang Vo, UQAM
Daniela Buitrago, Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Dasha Pushkar, Alberta College of Art + Design
David Turenne, Dawson College
David Fenton, Capilano University
Derik Hobbs, Savannah College of Art and Design
Dermot MacCormack, Tyler School of Art
Diana Friedman, Miami Ad School
Dola Sun, Savannah College of Art and Design
Dom Civiello, Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Elisa Koon, Algonquin College
Elyse Salazar, Savannah College of Art and Design
Emily Huang, Capilano University
Emma Pedersen, Sheridan College
Emma Barker, Savannah College of Art and Design
Erin Cunningham, Niagara College Canada
Etienne Angot, Universite du Quebec A Montreal (UQAM)
Eugene Kulaga, University of the Fraser Valley
Evi Jane Kay Molloy, Universite du Quebec A Montreal (UQAM)
Filipe Nogueira, Miami Ad School
Folvi Spyridonos, Savannah College of Art and Design
Francesca Ka Yu Chan, OCAD University
Gabriela Affonseca, Parsons School of Design
Gregory Hergott, Conestoga College
Gungeet Kaur, York University
Hanna Cortes, Vancouver Film School
Hannah Lee, York University/Sheridan College
Hanrou Li, Savannah College of Art and Design
Ignacio Florez, Vancouver Film School
Igor Costa, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
Isabelle Fortier, Algonquin College
James Long, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Jay Kim, Art Center College of Design
Jay Lee, Vancouver Film School
Jennifer Xie, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Jianwei Loo, Savannah College of Art and Design
Jinah Kim, York University
Jing Li, Savannah College of Art and Design
Joanne Vongphachan, York University/ Sheridan College
Josiane Lessard, CFP Maurice-Barbeau
Joyce Crago, School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa
Jude Labuca, Sheridan College
Julie Eum, Sheridan college
Kaila Elders, Humber College, School of Media Studies
Karamvir Khoker, Seneca College
Karen Watkins, Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Kari Lynch, Sheridan College
Karim Kadi, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Katherine Quan, George Brown College
Katiana Cordoba, School of the photographic arts: Ottawa
Katie Liang, OCAD University
Katie Savage, Tyler School of Art, Temple University
Kazunori Shiina, Miami Ad School New York
Kelly Ye, OCADU
Kevin Ledesma, Seneca College
Kevin Daigle, CFP Maurice-Barbeau
Khalid Ahsan, Humber College
Kristen Sugihara, San Diego Portfolio Studio
Ksenia Agres, Tyler School of Art/Temple University
Lara Samancioglu, York University/Sheridan College
Laura Charlton, George Brown College
Laura McInnis, George Brown College
Lauren Ulieme, Savannah College of Art and Design
Leo Tapel, Seneca College
Lilian Leung, University of Hertfordshire
Lina Wu, Don Mills Collegiate Institute
Lisa Fischer, Savannah College of Art & Design
Melanie Laviolette, Universite du Quebec A Montreal
Madeleine McMichael, Tyler School of Art/Temple University
Madison Gross Savannah College of Art and Design
Maggie (Juei-Hsuan) Wang, Vancouver Film School
Marissa Godwin, Algonquin College
Mary Kirkpatrick, OCAD University
Matthew Higgins, Rutgers University-Camden
Maude Turgeon, UQAM
Max Littledale, Capilano University
Meaghan Way, OCAD University
Meaghan Chapin, George Brown College
Megan Hendriks, Niagara College
Megan Nelson, Savannah College of Art and Design
Mila Mukhortova, University of the Fraser Valley
Mio Tahara, Algonquin College
Monica Diaz, Capilano University
Nancy Gioffre, George Brown College
Natalie Macpherson, Algonquin College
Nathan Styles, Mohawk College
Nathan JY Chen, Langara College
Neha Guria, Savannah College of Art and Design
Obadah Aljefri, Savannah College of Art and Design
Olivia Chan, Dawson College
Olivier Cote, CFP Lachine
Pablo Pueyo Poves, EF International Academy Thornwood, NY. USA
Paisley Laurenzio, Algonquin College
Paolo Mendoza, Seneca College
Patrick Fernandez, Savannah College of Art and Design
Pauline Brennen, Alberta College of Art and Design
Phoebe Miller, Conestoga College
Pinar Inci, Seneca College
Rachel Francis, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School
Rae Maher, Capilano University
Rebecca Dagenais, Algonquin College
Rovina Sigamoney, Seneca College
Rudy Gordon, Algonquin College
Ryan Haran, Rutgers University, Camden Campus
Ryan Leckie, Miami Ad School
Samantha McGregor, Algonquin College
Samuel Urquhart, Savannah College of Art & Design
Sara Case, Algonquin College
Sara Clayton, Algonquin College
Sarah Maslechko, Parsons School of Design
Sasathorn Sureepromsilp, Humber College
Scott Tran, George Brown College
Sean Z Okai, Algonquin College
Shaayaan Jammel, Algonquin College
Shay Klassen, Capilano University
Shirley Liang, York University and Sheridan College
Shyronn Smardon, Capilano University's IDEA School of Design
Simon Olbach, Conestoga College
Slava Fomushkin, Seneca College
Soo Ji Han, Savannah College of Art and Design
Steven Tachauer, Conestoga College
Su Park, Dawson College
Su Yeon Hyun, OCAD University
Sultan Jumataev, University of the Fraser Valley
Taegan Rubert, Alberta College of Art and Design
Tanvi Tandon, Miami Ad School
Taylor Pellegrin, Nicholls State University
Thibault Magni, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)
Timothy Carvalho, Savannah College of Art and Design
Toko Hosoya, OCAD University
Tony Davidson, CFP Maurice-Barbeau
Tyce Hoskins, Savannah College of Art and Design
Tyran Trieu, Université du Quebec a Montreal
Valerie Bourdon, Dawson College
Vivienne Kay, Algonquin College
Vrasidas Golemis, Miami Ad School San Francisco
Wang Sihua, Sheridan College
Wei Wang, York University/Sheridan College
Wendy Ma, Simon Fraser University
Wendy Zhang, Don Mills C.I.
Wenwen Zhao, Savannah College of Art and Design
William Lacharite, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM)
William Kesling, Savannah College of Art and Design
Yige Wang, Dawson College
Zack Krasovec, Niagara College
Zhen Chong, Savannah College of Art and Design
Zhou Fan, Savannah College of Art and Design