"See What Care Can Do"

New work by Fuse Create

November 15, 2022

"See What Care Can Do"

Newly appointed AOR FUSE Create recently launched their first campaign for client Sinai Health Foundation.  The "See what care can do" campaign is the first evolution of the previous creative platform; dimensionalizing ‘care’ and personalizing its delivery.


The fully integrated brand marketing campaign follows personal stories of care. The goal of the stories is to showcase the individualized, multidisciplinary, collaborative care provided by Sinai Health. Through compelling visuals and storytelling, the stories highlight specific areas of care such as women & infants, rehabilitation, and cancer treatment, among other treatments Sinai Health is well-known for. In addition to the primary spot, stories from two past patients will launch later in the campaign, further deepening the notion of "see what care can do."


“Rather than focusing on care alone, this campaign celebrates our people – those who provide the care, our staff; those who benefit, our patients; and those who support it; our donors. By shifting from See What Care Can Do to the more inclusive “see what we can do,” it’s inviting the audience to be a part of the world-class care that Sinai Health provides every day.”   

Laura Hearn, Vice President of Brand Strategy & Marketing at Sinai Health Foundation. 



FUSE Create developed the creative and digital marketing strategy that includes TV, OOH, print, and paid social. FUSE worked with Vapor Music on the audio production, Radke Films on production and direction, and Outsider Editorial for editing post-production. Aber, H+K, and JAM Direct also provided support for this campaign. 


“Building on the momentum of the “See What Care Can Do” campaign, we wanted to dimensionalize that word ‘care’ a little for the viewer,”  By associating names, faces, and even symptoms to the care provided, we can bring that care to life, and demonstrate what “we” - the patients, doctors, nurses, therapists - can do.”

Steve Miller, Executive Creative Director, FUSE Create



About Sinai Health Foundation

Sinai Health Foundation takes the vision of Sinai Health’s physicians, clinicians, scientists, and health care providers and helps turn it into a reality. Philanthropy is essential for advancing research, care, and outcomes for those facing cancer, a high-risk pregnancy, stroke recovery, and other conditions and diseases. Thanks to philanthropy, SHF helps fund world-class facilities and offers patients access to some of the most impactful clinical trials and studies that have taken place over the past 30 years. www.sinaicares.ca


About FUSE Create

Based in Toronto, Canada, FUSE Create (fusecreate.com) is a full-service independent creative agency that believes when you fuse smarts + imagination, whether in a campaign, a culture, a process, or a person, everything is possible. That belief creates, invents, and permeates throughout the agency and the award-winning work, that aims to do one thing; Turn Heads. FUSE Create is the #3 Small Agency in Canada and a member of Worldwide Partners (worldwidepartners.com), one of the world’s largest networks of independent advertising agencies. 
