Typefaces of the Fallen

Typography-Environmental/Experiential Application - Series


Grey Canada

: , Winner: GREY Canada Chief Creative Officer: Helen Pak Executive Creative Director: Joel Arbez, James Ansley Associate Creative Director: Ryan McNeill, Ryan Lawrence Design Director: Genevieve Beharry Art Director: Oskars Trinitis Copywriter: Cory Hansen Client Service Director: Nicole Lupke Account Director: Leslie Cooper, Lindsay Mertiri Account Executive: Lindsay Proudfoot Planner: Adam Brain Producer: Adam Park, Haley Stefan, Terri Vegso Editor: Biko Franklin Director: Patrick Griffin Client: Aaron Lazarus Photographer: Kristof Arasim Printing Company: Klo Portfolios

To support the Day of Mourning, an international day to remember those who died from work-related accidents, the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board of Ontario created Typefaces of the Fallen – a hand-crafted typeface inspired by the likeness of Canadians who died at work. It was used in the Day of Mourning campaign and to create more impactful workplace safety signs. Combining storytelling and craft to memorialize the deceased, it gave workers a powerful reason to rethink workplace safety.
