Ninth Letter 16.1 Literary Journal

Entire Design Program


Ninth Letter 16.1 Literary Journal

Winner: Ninth Letter 16.1 Literary Journal School: University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign Editor: Jodee Stanley Art Director: Brock Landrum Designer: Ryan Hock Printing Company: Premier Print Group Designer: Becca Alexander, Abrielle Bujack, S. E. Choi, Morgan Dunn, Lindsay Endres, Mahshid Farzinfar, Pascale Grant, Rija Khan, Casey McGinnis, Erika Loret De Mola, Hayley Peterson, Yewon Shin, James Tran, Becca Vahldick, Deneé Webster

Ninth Letter is a literary journal created by the Graphic Design students in Art + Design in collaboration with the MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Illinois. The design students came up with the theme after reading all the creative submissions. The theme deals with the idea of dreams and hallucinations, and the effect they can have on us.
