Metal Proof

Experiential/Event - Single



Winner: lg2 Creative Director: Luc Du Sault Copywriter: Andrée-Anne Hallé Art Director: Andrée-Anne Hallé, Vincent Bernard Director: David Poulin Planner: Mélanie Châteauneuf Account Director: Mélanie Châteauneuf Account Manager: Alexandra Laverdière, Emmanuelle Pey, Charles Harvey Agency Producer: Nancy Mc Donald Production Company: Nova Film Producer: Alexis Dubosc Director of Photography: Vincent Masse Framing: Maxime Verville Editor: Paul Jutras Sound Production: BLVD Sound Designer: Olivier Rivard Music/Sound: David Beaulieu Post-Production: BLVD Production Manager: Julie Pichette Collaborator: Evenko Ad Agency: lg2

Winning Entry:

To demonstrate the effectiveness of its soundproof windows, Fenplast set up, in the heart of the Heavy Montréal metal festival, a room made entirely of windows in which babies slept peacefully.
