Pack Your Pet
Point-of-Purchase/In-Store Ad or Promotion - Single
john st.
t: 416-348-0048
Company: john st. Chief Creative Officer: Angus Tucker, Stephen Jurisic Creative Director: Mark Scott, Cedric Audet Art Director: Sebastien Lafaye, Steve Ierullo Executive Design Director: Mooren Bofill Associate Design Director: Jacqueline Lane Designer: Carol Hung, Mike Arnott Agency Producer: Anne-Christel Rajoelina, Andrew LaGrave Team Leader: Nick Pigott Account Director: Bianca Myers Account Supervisor: Stuart Milligan Production Artist: Valerie Bertrand Post-Production Company: Consulat Audio House: Studios Apollo
Winning Entry:
Every July 1st in Québec, thousands of residents pack up and move out of their apartments. It’s called Moving Day. And every year, more than 1,600 pets are left behind by their moving owners on that day. But this year, Home Hardware partnered with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) to create pet-shaped moving boxes that reminded people: if you move, don’t leave your pet behind.