ICOM Brochure
Craft - Typography - Single
w: rethinkcanada.com
Winner: Rethink Client: ICOM Creative Director: Hans Thiessen, Ian Grais, Chris Staples Art Director: Alex Bakker Designer: Alex Bakker Writer: Alex Bakker Print Producer: Kerry Bhangu Studio Artist: Jonathon Cesar, Jan Day 3D Artwork: Thomas McKeen Printing Company: Total Graphics Account Director: Glen Chalcraft Ad Agency: Rethink Paper Supplier: Brenda Copperfield
ICOM is a global network of independent creative agencies across more than 60 countries. In 2019, they gathered for their annual global conference, focusing on ‘The Power of Fusion’ as a theme. We created a conference identity centered around fusing, dynamic forms – inspired by the ICOM logo. The resulting fusions represent the power of blending ideas – where unexpected results challenge conventional thinking and unlock new points of view.