
Communicating for Change

Complete Brand Identity Program


Redphone , Calgary, AB
t: 403-648-5139
w: redphone.ca

Creative Director: Glen Kayler Art Director: Whitney Ota Designer: Letitia Van Deventer Account Coordinator: Jillian Bauer Account Manager: Siv Clayton Client Partner: Tara Kayler Client: Re.Climate Copywriter: Fiona Wren

Winning Website: reclimate.ca

Re.Climate is Canada's go-to centre for training, research and strategy on climate change communications and public engagement. The brand was designed to engage key stakeholder groups like academics, government, citizens and media with a breadth of timely, informative content. Inspired by traditional media outlets, key visual elements of the identity system—the masthead logo, bold typography and refined black and white colour palette—help instil a sense of trust and add legitimacy.
