Format Libre Edition 2022
Motion Design-Short - Single
Imédia, Quebec, QC
Project Director: Karine Grandmont, Cléa Goffoz, Coralie Labrecque Creative Director: Marie-Joëlle Lemire Designer: Cynthia Cloutier Copywriter: Océane Périé Motion Graphics Artist: Pierre-Olivier Pelletier Music Composer: Didier Archambault Infographist: Katherine Roberge Client: Format Libre
Format Libre's new motion design launched the 27th Quebec communications industry awards ceremony. This year's event featured the progression of the visual identity, building on the basic design developed last year. The idea was to update the platform and integrate 3D rendering, echoing the square shape of the trophy. The shapes are boldly original and the fluid transitions of the animation offer a captivating visual experience.