Paul | entretiens et commentaires
Entire Book Design - Single
Baillat Studio, Montreal, QC
Creative Director: Jean-Sébastien Baillat Art Director: Jean-Sébastien Baillat, Guillaume Bechon Graphic Designer: Guillaume Bechon Project Manager: Sophie Bessette, Samuel Gauvreau Des Aulniers Client: Les Éditions de la Pasthèque
Michel Rabagliati is the author of the iconic comic book series Paul. The book Paul | Entretiens et commentaires, published by Les Éditions de la Pastèque, focuses on the comic artist and his work. Through an interview and analyses with Michel Giguère, a comic book specialist, this 300-page book invites the reader to discover or rediscover Michel Rabagliati and his work, from his beginnings to the present day.