Round-the-Clock Pizza Box

Packaging-Food - Series


Leo Burnett, Toronto, ON

President: Ben Tarr Chief Creative Officer: Lisa Greenberg SVP Creative Directors: Steve Persico, Anthony Chelvanathan Design and Art Director: Man Wai Wong Copywriters: Steve Persico, Michael Pal, Len Preskow Copywriter: Manas Abrol Animator: Dan Purdy Photographer: Mike Tjioe Restaurant Owner: Renda Abdo

7 West is a 24/7 restaurant that wanted to increase pizza orders during non-peak hours. Instead of attracting new clients, we targeted existing ones by redesigning their pizza boxes. Illustrations combined clocks and pizza to create twelve boxes that were used during specific times of day—letting you know pizza was good at noon, but also at midnight. At 7 p.m. dinner and 7 a.m. hangover. Pizza time is any time.
