
Quiz MAJ 2022

Animated Character - Series


Gabriel Masella, Granby, QC
t: 514-432-8523
e: gabriel.masella@gmail.com
w: behance.net/gmasella

Animator: Gabriel Masella Illustrator: Gabriel Masella Art Director: Gabriel Masella Journalist: Catherine Contant Research: Isabelle Turgeon Webmaster: Félicia Latour, Lina Heckenast Head of content: Christine Bouchard Production: MAJ, l’actualité pour les jeunes, Radio-Canada

Winning Website: behance.net/gallery/163411147/Quiz-Actu-2022

For the month of December 2022, we wanted to put Canada's teenagers to the test. The questions of the quiz were posted as Instagram stories, one for each day of December, leading up to Christmas. 24 days, 24 short animations. I had the privilege of creating engaging visuals for the quiz, in order to connect with our target audience. I also directed a 15s TV spot to promote our project on Radio-Canada's main channel.
