Better Tomorrows Campaign

Craft Music


J. Walter Thompson Canada

Company: J. Walter Thompson Canada Chief Creative and Integration Offier: Brent Choi Executive Creative Direction: Ryan Spelliscy Art Direction: Cindy Marie Habana Copywriting: Mike De Candido Agency Producer: Raquel Rose Audio House: The Eggplant Music Director: Adam Damelin Production Company: Sons & Daughters Director: Mark Zibert Executive Producer: Joan Bell Post Production Company: Panic & Bob, Smith Editor: Michelle Czukar Assistant Editor: Laura McMillan Transfer Facility: Alter Ego Online Artist: Andrew Hobbs Producer: Janice Rebelo Account Executive: Sarah Leveille Associate Creative Director: Andy Brokenshire Media Agency: Mindshare

SickKids can be overlooked during the holiday season. We needed a way to get people to take time from their busy day to take notice and donate.How? By giving them a massive dose of perspective by showing what a sick child is going through that very same day. For nearly two months we produced a new ad every day to show people what was happening in the hospital right that minute.
