35 Million Directors

Craft-Editing - Single


DDB Canada
e: paige.calvert@ddbcanada.com
w: ddbcanada.com

Ad Agency: DDB Canada Executive Creative Direction: Cosmo Campbell, Dean Lee Associate Creative Direction: Neil Shapiro Copywriting: Neil Shapiro Art Direction: John Larigakis VP Business Director: Michelle Kitchen Account Supervisor: Kelly-Anne Davis Agency Producer: Dana Rudelier Strategist: Natalie Godfrey Post Production: JMB Post Editor: Don MacDonell Colourist: Randy Egan

The Canadian Tourism Commission invited 35 million Canadians to pick up their cameras and capture their country on film. In four short weeks, Canadians submitted more than 65 hours of footage, along with thousands of still photographs. These user-generated clips were edited together to create a two-minute film showcasing some of Canada’s best travel experiences.
