David's Big Problem

Over 30 seconds - Single


t: 416.598.4750
e: taxi2awards@taxi.ca
w: taxi.ca

Executive Creative Direction: Lance Martin Creative Direction: Jeff MacEachern Art Direction: Craig Ferguson Writer: Tal Wagman Producer: Brie Gowans Production Company: Radke Films Director: Shawn Zeytinoglu Production House Producer: Scott Smith, Scott Mackenzie Editor: Melanie Hider Editing Company: Bijou Editorial Compositor/Online: Alter Ego Colourist/Transfer: Alter Ego Audio House: Grayson Matthews Agency Planner: Mike Rumble Music Producer: David Sorbara Agency Planner: Jane Healy Ad Agency: TAXI 2

Men often refuse to grow moustaches because they’re worried it makes them look creepy. We wanted to help dispel that notion. Targeting men of a moustache growing age, we created this PSA to encourage them to grow one for Movember and not worry about how it makes them look.
