BMO Simplify

Online Single



Ad Agency: Cossette Client: BMO Financial Group Chief Creative Officer: Matthew Litzinger, David Daga Creative Direction: Chad Borlase Art Direction: Pepe Bratanov Copywriting: Sebastian Lyman Interactive Designer: Pavel Gorin Senior Interactive Architect: Scott Garson Online Campaign Manager: Matthias Feldman Developer, Ad Operations: Jean-Philippe Laroche Quality Assurance: Kate Roberts Senior Project Manager: Michael Howard Brand Supervisor: Genevieve Cote Director, Digital Production: Pralad Rao VP, National Convergent Leader: Kathy McGuire

BMO's tagline is "Making money make sense", and our challenge was to illustrate that within a banner. So, we chose to create a unique interaction between media and content. First we wrote a relevant financial article for Huffington Post that was intentionally complex. When a user clicked on the BMO banner next to it, the article simplified. The unit had a 7% click-through rate, and helped reinforce BMO as the bank of financial clarity.
