M&M's Find Red



Proximity Canada
t: 416-840-4165
e: awards@proximity.ca
w: proximity.ca

Executive Creative Direction: John Gagné Creative Direction: Rene Rouleau, Jeffrey Da Silva, Jon Ruby, Ari Elkouby Copywriting: Rene Rouleau Art Direction: Jeffrey Da Silva Copywriting: Jon Ruby, Ryan Lawrence Creative Technologist: Jeff Vermeersch Technical Director: Darrin Patey Planner: Collin Douma Information Architect: Patrick Jordan Project Manager: Joanne Sincich Account Director: Priyanka Goswami, Chris Hutsel Account Coordinator: Jesse Abrams Development: Edwin Locke, Iftikhar Ahmed Public Relations: Shari Balga Agency: Proximity Canada

Winning Website: getaloadofthis.ca/2011/findred

When we heard the Google Street View camera car was coming to Toronto we had an idea. What if we hid large M&M’s inside Google Street View and challenged Canadians to find them? The result was a first-of-its-kind, multi-channel, digital treasure hunt. Players received clues from the website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Foursquare, Stickybits and QR code posters. In 630 square km, we provided over 100 clues to help players find 3 red M&M’s and win.
