
Place des Arts

Offline Digital


t: 514-909-3122
e: philippe@departement.ca
w: departement.ca

Agency: Departement Creative Direction: Thibaut Duverneix Art Direction: Philippe Archontakis, Mathieu Léger Motion: Thibaut Duverneix Photography: Christophe Colette, Bobby Shore Typographer: Philippe Archontakis Music/Sound: Chris Olsen, David Drury Production House Producer: Sash Baylin Stern Client: Place des Arts

Winning Website: pda.departement.ca

Departement signed 3 pieces on the mosaic screen installation in the foyer of Place des Arts.“Locomotive” is a fantastical portrayal of a human machine.The context resembles an elaborate organic dominos game. It begins with a musical impulse and is accompanied by an inexorable advancement of light.“Typographic Circus” is a colorful typographic game around keywords: Culture, Discovery, Emergence and Contact."Artistic Disciplines" illustrate the different forms of live performance shown at the venue.
