RCM Legendary

Craft-Animation - Series


Y&R Toronto
e: alexis.victor@yr.com

Chief Creative Officer: Israel Diaz Producer: Nicole Andrisevic Account Director: Jo-Anne Cusimano Account Executive: Edmond Chung, Allison Wallis Art Direction: Francheska Galloway-Davis Copywriting: Marcelo Ceron Creative Direction: Joe Hash, Darcy Maloney Print Production: Heidi Prange Producer: Jac Benoit Production Company: Crush Inc. Ad Agency: Y&R Toronto

A canoe, gliding along a still stream; a man, cantering, on horseback. Deer standing amongst vast trees, fixed in expanses of land; the sky filled with soaring birds, the slow fall of golden leaves.We wanted viewers to see and feel the immense significance of the Canada's natural and cultural legacy. Among the rowdiness of commercial breaks, here is a small means of escape, into the calm centre of nature, forever preserved.
