0 to 100 project

Integrated Campaign


Up Inc
t: (416) 703-9142
e: csturm@upinc.ca
w: upinc.ca

Creative Direction: Carey George Art Direction: Ryan Booth Design: Chris Noon Photography: Sandy Nicholson Design Studio: Up Inc Design: Christian Blau Development: Kristin Maling Digital Imaging: The Gas Company Project Manager: Barbara Wodnicka Editor: Sue McCluskey Writer: Lisa Devries Printing Company: Flash Reproductions Bindery/Finishing: Specialties Graphic Finishers

The collaborative 0 to 100 project uses various media to illustrate the human lifespan: 101 photographs, with a representative for every age from zero to 100; a limited-edition book, featuring an innovative, gutter-free binding technique; and an iPad app, which allows users to scroll through the faces, read subjects’ quotes about aging, view video clips, and mix and match features from individual faces. Posters, gallery show invitations and a microsite support the project and its launch.
