UFC Scratch’N Win Voken
Online Single
t: 902-835-3559
e: Matthew.Allen@revolve.ca
w: revolve.ca
Creative Direction: Matthew Allen, Allan Carver Account Director: Nelson Angel Account Executive: Victoria DeWolfe Art Direction: Eric Miller Copywriting: Steve Wallace Photography: Jayme Walters Production Artist: Daekyu Cha Developer: Quy Ngo Client: Jean-Marc Landry, Shannon French DeMille Agency: Revolve
Winning Website: marketingawards.clientpreview.ca/UFC
In February 2012 Atlantic Lottery launched the UFC Scratch’N Win ticket. As part of an integrated campaign targeting male UFC fans, online creative was strategically placed on ufc.com and heavy.com. Website visitors were put in the point of view of a UFC fighter and could punch the web page until it crumbled, revealing our message. At some point everyone has wanted to punch the Internet. With UFC Scratch’N Win, they got that chance.