
Hottest App Ever

Public Service/Charity (Non-Profit)


john st
t: 4163480048
e: rjohnston@johnst.com
w: johnst.com

Ad Agency: john st. Executive Creative Direction: Angus Tucker, Stephen Jurisic Art Direction: Denver Eastman Copywriting: Jacob Greer Account Executive: Joan Marantette, Madison Papple Account Director: Melissa Tobenstein Agency Producer: Christine Stephens Interactive Producer: Cas Binnington Development: EndLoop Studios Production Company: Sons and Daughters, DataArmada Post Production Company: Relish Editorial, Alter Ego, 567vfx Music/Sound: Vapor Music

For women, checking your breasts for signs of breast cancer is not fun and hard to remember.We wanted to change that. So for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we teamed up with Rethink Breast to create Your Man Reminder – an app that uses hot guys to remind women to check their breasts. Then it got The Hottest App Update Ever, giving the app a full redesign, video reminders and a new online video.
