
Craft-Music - Single


t: 778-331-8340

Account Supervisor: Tamara Bennett Ad Agency: Dare Animation: Ricardo David, Janek Lender, Dominic Griffiths Art Direction: Rob Sweetman Composer: Jamie Masters Compositor: Andy Hague Concept Artist: Damian Johnston, Jon Beeston Copywriting: Mia Thomsett Creative Direction: Bryan Collins, Rob Sweetman Director: Tokyoplastic Executive Producer: Jane Bolton, Richard Price Generalist: Dorianne Fibleuil Matte Painter: Carlos Nieto, Nicolas Loudot, Eduardo Bera Modeller & Texture Artist: Andrew Hickinbottom, Martin Ocheng Music Producer: Greg Moore Music/Sound: Adelphoi Music, London Producer: Richard Price, Mike Hasinoff Production Company: Picasso Pictures, London Production Manager: Shiraz Peer Liberman Renderer: Ravinder Sembi Rigger: Mark Tsang Sound Design: Andrew Sherriff Sound Engineer: Chris Hobbs Recording Studio & Sound Mix: Koko Productions Sound Production: Steve Lowe

Hollywood movies are getting more and more predictable, with the same stories told time and time again. The Whistler Film Festival showcases films that tell original, unexpected stories. ‘Princess’ starts like a typical Hollywood animation in the world of Disney. But ends with a very unexpected twist.
