Small Business Photography - Series
LM Chabot
t: 514-279-6464
Winner: LM Chabot Photographer: LM Chabot Concept: LM Chabot Client: Oracle Art Director: Audrey St-Laurent Artist's Rep: L'Éloi Production: L'Éloi Makeup Artist: Isabella Forget Stylist: Jay Forest Stylist Assistant: Guillaume Laflamme Retouching: Victoria Lord
To draw a card from Oracle Sans Bla Bla is to immerse yourself in an inner journey. Each card lets you reconnect with your deepest values: poetic, funny, serious or absurd. In the effigy of texts and illustrations, LM Chabot presents four themes depicted comically: self-responsibility, absolute relativity, the feeling of existing and the wish box. Four human feelings are captured with the funky aesthetic of LM Chabot, in which colors and absurdity mix as usual.