Raging Mother

Unpublished/Personal Photography - Series


Kristofer Dan-Bergman
t: 646-295-4663
e: kdb@kristoferdanbergman.com
w: KristoferDanBergman.com

Winner: Kristofer Dan-Bergman Photographer: Kristofer Dan-Bergman

Raging Mother is a series with many layers for me. First, it is a reconnection to the ocean, having sailed many as a former sailor and racer. I always felt at ease with Mother Nature, especially during a big storm. Second, it is a rage she is having against how we are treating her with so much disrespect, showing us that she is, in the end, much more powerful than we are. Third, it's the connection with the air and water. The series is still in its development and I am excited to see what Mother Nature continues to show me.
