#SelfieProject Edition 10
Unpublished/Personal Photography - Series
Véronique Duplain, Montreal, QC
t: 514-983-3560
e: veroniqueduplain@gmail.com
w: selfieproject.ca
Photographer: Veronique Duplain Art Director: Veronique Duplain Model: Veronique Duplain Set Design Assistant: ÉMilie Beaumier Photography Assistant: Tristan Gauvreau Retouching Assistant: Vincent Brillant
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Véronique's #SelfieProject—capturing a daily self-portrait throughout February—a robot named Vé2.0, crafted using the InMoov project, joined the imagery. Its presence aimed to spark discussions about the evolution and influence of artificial intelligence, technology, and robotics in our daily existence.