
Thankfully, There's KFC Delivery

Food Photography - Series


Courage, Toronto, ON
w: courageinc.com

Ad Agency: Courage Partner, Chief Creative Officer: Dhaval Bhatt, Joel Holtby Partner, President: Niki Sahni Partner, Chief Strategy Officer: Tom Kenny Creative Director: Cindy Marie Navarro Art Director: Cindy Marie Navarro Creative Director: Domenique Raso Writer: Domenique Raso Group Account Director: Alex Karayannides Account Director: Kyron Sobers Account Coordinator: Chloe Chan Group Strategy Director: Rami Dudin Executive Producer: Clair Galea Producer: Aarin MacKay Client: KFC Chief Marketing Officer: Katherine Bond-Debicki Marketing Director: Azim Akhtar Photography & Production: Undivided Creative Photographer: Nikki Ormerod Executive Producer: Scott Houghton Food Stylist: Carol Dudar Asst. Food Stylist: Mia Bchmaier Prop Stylist: Cheryl Thompson Prop Artist: JQ Carlos Prop Master: Jamie Fleming Digital Tech: Bryan Ulrich Camera Assist.: Adam Coish, Levi Hodson Locations: Christian Wood Location Manager: Mitch Johnson Retoucher: Brad Pickard Media Partner: Wavemaker

Burnt. Dry. Fireballs. Most Thanksgiving turkeys are a huge disappointment. So on the most popular poultry-eating day of the year, KFC reminded Canadians that when your bird doesn't deliver, KFC does. Our campaign featured beauty shots of ill-prepared turkeys: a smoking oven with a bird burnt to a crisp, a deep-fried grease fire, and a dry, crusted turkey just waiting to be served. All scenes were originally created and shot in-camera, with some moderate post work performed where necessary.
