Fembots-Paper Bag Records
CD, DVD Photography - Single/Series
Derek Shapton
t: 416-588-7924
e: derek@derekshapton.com
Photography: Derek Shapton Clients: Paper Bag Records, Fembots, Dave MacKinnon, Brian Poirier Company: Westside Studio
A sweltering summer's day, two guys in flannel pajamas -- what better setup could there possibly be than standing in the lake? Spontaneity was key; we met in the morning with no preconceptions, went shopping for the outfits at Value Village, and wandered around the city in PJ's. By one PM we were far too warm, so we went down to the water. It smelled and felt like wading in urine, but the picture turned out well. This image was used in promotional and publicity material for the Fembot's 2005 Paper Bag Records release "The City".