F-Up Insurance
Bensimon Byrne
w: bensimonbyrne.com
Company: Bensimon Byrne Creative Direction: Joseph Bonnici Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Dan Strasser Copywriting: Dave Thornhill, Michael Carey Art Direction: Jonathan Crandell, Jonathon Ciordas Agency Producer: Michelle Pilling Production Company: OPC/ Family Style Production House Producer: Liz Dussault Director: Max Sherman Line Producer: Dwight Phipps Post Production: Married To Giants Editor: Leo Zarahatos Audio House: Grayson Matthews Audio Producer: Bridget Flynn Audio Engineer: Jono Holmes Ad Agency: Bensimon Byrne Group Account Director: Zeeshan Hussain Program Director: Patricia Tay
Winning Website: f-upinsurance.com
Carnivore Club, a meat-of-the-month club, was looking for a new way to sell subscriptions. Many products are marketed as a way of earning forgiveness when you’ve done something wrong—flowers, chocolates and diamonds have been doing this for years. We decided to make Carnivore Club the first product to market itself as a form of pre-emptive forgiveness. We dubbed it F-Up Insurance. Now you can protect yourself from your mistakes before you even make them.