BC Newspaper Group: Amish/Twins/Virgins
Trade Magazine Advertising - Series
DDB Canada
t: 604-687-7911
e: jane.stevens@ddbcanada.com
w: ddbcanada.com
Creative Direction: Alan Russell Art Direction: Cosmo Campbell Art Direction: Lara Palmer Copywriting: Joseph Bonnici Print Producers: Wendy Moriarty Print Producers: Gayle Robson Photography: Anthony Redpath Illustration: James Hindermeier Client: BC Newspaper Group Ad Agency: DDB Canada Vancouver
When we presented this campaign to the client, we thought it would be a tough sell, but it wasn't. The only part of these ads that they didn't approve was something called the "penis graph". We had to bribe our Transsexual Albino Siamese Twins with hockey tickets to thet them to take part.