500 Years Trailer

Craft - Cinematography


e: jsmith@targetmarketing.ca

Creative Direction: Tom Murphy Ad Agency: Target Client: Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism Creative Group Head & Writer: Jenny Smith Writer: Jim Francis Agency Producer: Heikki Kuld Director: Pete Riski Executive Producer: Dan Ford Producer: Andrew Sulliman Production House: Sons & Daughters Cinematographer: Jean Noël Mustonen Editor: Mick Griffin Colorist: Eric Whipp Sound Design & Music: Eric Harry Music Art Direction: Tom Murphy

St. John’s is a city with an amazing story spanning more than 500 years. A city with experience, character and charm. 500 Years captures all this, portraying a sophisticated capital with a rugged, authentic feel. The city is a place that cultivates spontaneity and effortlessly blends the old with the new in an off the beaten path location surrounded by sweeping, natural beauty.
