
Brick for Brick

Online Video


w: cossette.com

Company: Cossette Chief Creative Officer: Carlos Moreno, Peter Ignazi ACD, Art Director: Yusong Zhang ACD, Copywriter: Dhaval Bhatt Creative Direction: Sean Barlow, Ed Lea Chief Transformation Officer: Glen Hunt Agency Producer: Sam Benson Account Executive: Jennifer Self Account Director: Jessica DeSantis VP, Client Leader: Wendy Morgado Strategist: Jorge Aguilar Strategic Planning Director: Kristen Burnham Chief Strategy Officer: Jason Chaney Production House: OPC Editing House: Relish Online: Tendril Transfer: The Vanity Audio House: Grayson Matthews Casting: Mann Casting Media Company: Cossette Media Client: Habitat for Humanity

Winning Website: habitat.ca/brickforbrick

To show that children are the ones most affected when families live in unstable homes, Habitat for Humanity created “Brick for Brick”. A story that showed a little girl’s innocent efforts to build a house out of toy bricks – asking people to donate toy bricks online to help complete it. We brought her dream to life by building a life-size house comprised of 36,000 toy bricks at the Toronto Interior Design Show.
