Locals Know Site

Entertainment, Arts & Tourism - Single


DDB Canada / Tribal Vancouver
t: 604-687-7911
e: amberb@tribalddb.ca
w: tribalddb.ca

Creative Direction: Josh Fehr, Cosmo Campbell Copywriting: Ryan Leeson Art Direction: Gavin Froome Development: FCV Technologies Interactive Producer: Zerlina Chan, Erica Jonsson Account Director: Marty Yaskowich, Cher Henderson-Quigley Account Executive: Cassie Crosby Information Architecture: Anne Yeo Ad Agency: DDB Canada / Tribal Vancouver

Winning Website: awards09.tribalddb.ca/3acf1

LocalsKnow.ca was created to unearth Canada’s hidden travel gems and get Canadians excited about exploring their own country. By sharing thousands of spots known only to local residents, Canadians are hitting the road and heading to amazing places they never knew existed right in their own backyard.
