Tapped In

Social Media


e: angela.pagliaroli@cossette.com
w: cossette.com

Ad Agency: Cossette Client: Future Shop Creative Direction: Ed Lea Associate Creative Director: Josh Budd Art Direction: Paul De La Merced Copywriting: David Purkis Programming: Latham Bromwich Project Manager: Marissa Scannura Digital Strategist: Chris Dyck Digital Strategy Analyst: Colin Carroll Account Director: Ngaio Potts Account Supervisor: Jamie Walters

For Back To School, Future Shop put $101,000 in gift cards up for grabs. But we didn't just give them away. Students earned them by completing a list of tasks on our Facebook page to prove they’re “tapped in” online – anything from retweeting our posts on Twitter to baking a cake in the shape of our logo. We ran through our supply of gift cards in 11 days and over 100,000 tasks were completed.
